Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Stefan Sagmeister

After watching this flick it is apparent that Mr. Meister is a loon. There are a lot of people that think typography is cool and alive but Stefan took this to a whole new level with placing graphic type over the body.  Not so much graphically in a sense of violence but more in the images that he uses. 

I thought that it was cool!

Girlfriend 7.0 v.s Wife 1.0

Dear Tech Support: 
Last year I upgraded from Girlfriend 7.0 to Wife 1.0. I soon noticed that the new program began unexpected child processing that took up a lot of space and valuable resources. 
In addition, Wife 1.0 installed itself into all other programs and now monitors all other system activities, such as Poker Night 10.3, Fantasy Football 5.0, and Golf 3.6

I can't seem to keep Wife 1.0 in the background while attempting to run my other favorite applications. I'm thinking about going back to Girlfriend 7.0 , but the uninstall doesn't work on Wife 1.0

Please help! 



Response was as follows:

Dear Travis,
This is a common problem found among stupid males ranging from ages 21 – 100, like yourself. This extremely disruptive virus, known as Wife 1.0, is a big scam. Let me explain.

First off, it advertises great new features such as home cooked meals, regular sex, and a clean home. However, it fails to mention that these great new features are merely a 60 day trial and to keep those features running you will have to uninstall MS Money. In addition, if you read user reports, you will find that when you install Wife 1.0, it automatically erases previously installed programs such as Head 2.4, Guys Night Out 7.1, and A Peaceful Quiet Car Ride 3.5. 

These are a few reasons why I always recommend keeping Girlfriend 7.0 installed, while also running Girlfriend 6.0 and Girlfriend 5.0 in the background. 

You can uninstall Wife 1.0 by purchasing Divorce 6.2, however, this is extremely expensive and won’t even leave you with enough money to reinstall Girlfriend 7.0. In other words, you are shit out of luck. Congratulations on your new software.

Best Regards,

John Meyers
Tech Support Guru

My Bestest Page Ever!

This was the best one I did today! 

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

David Carson, Say What?

I feel that what David Carson said was very interesting. What does a word really mean? Is typeface really that important? I think yes! 
Yes these symbols are just letters on a page but like he said is that really "decaffeinated?" Yes we see that is what is typed, but is that the feeling you get when you look at that word? Are you somehow connected to that word through your own thoughts, feeling, past actions? Can that typeface really evoke those sensory images? 
On the other hand what Carson talked about with the Zip dingbat font was interesting. He stated that yes there was writing there but how useful is that information to you? 

VSAR 404

I hope in the future I will use and abuse this blog_spot!