Wednesday, February 20, 2008


This was an Idea that I was messing around with for my book Just playing with fonts and textures. 

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

***Please Report to Authorities***

This man was last seen on to catch a predator, his whereabouts have been in, and around San Diego. 

If you have any information leading to the arrest of this foul individual please report to the crime watch here at the downtown police station.

Cpt. Filbert Steiner
SD Police Dpt.


Well I thought that after viewing that short film about Sarah Moon and her work I would figure out what I was going to write my book on, but to put it gently, this film absolutely confused the hell out of me.
After watching The film by Sarah Moon film I believe that I am going to stick with what I originally planed to write on. I am going to take Deborah's advice and do a self reflection book about me and what makes me who I am. I am going to write about what makes my art unique, my photographs stand out and my designs hold value with their intended client. I really do think this book will have a huge eye opening effect and will serve well.
I have actually already started the process by gathering some images, and touching up others. I am reaching down deep this time and trying to pull out all stops. I am going to take this project seriously and hope that come the end of April, early May, I will have a new found love for the book making process, and what goes into writing about ones life...